The better floor covering in the Gym
Easy on the joints and durable

Rubber floor for gym and cross training box

Protective Fitness Mat 1.8 cm Training Mat Protective Fitness Mat 1.8 cm Training Mat

Protective Fitness Mat 1.8 cm Training Mat

Dark granite Classic granite Light granite English lawn Terracotta Bast & Bark +11 Farbvarianten

£5.40 / piece £21.60 / m²

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A pair of heavily used Converse ALL STAR sneakers stands in front of a set of dumbbells in the gym on black WARCO fitness mats.

Fitness mats and floor protection mats from WARCO protect the athletes, the floor and the equipment - whether in the gym, the CrossFit box, the gym in the office or hotel or the weight room in the sports club. Learn more about fitness mats from WARCO here.

  1. All advantages at a glance
  2. The optimal floor for every training area
  3. Find the right fitness floor
  4. Vibration damping and structure-borne sound insulation
  5. Hard workout or relaxed yoga
  6. Comparative values - evaluate fitness floor objectively
  7. Surfaces, haptics, properties

***** Valuation

'Very good recommendation, good price-performance ratio, good quality, fast delivery and very easy to install... Top!!!'

Thomas Kiefer, System Fitness operating company | Fitness floor HZ, 500 x 500 x 40 mm, Grass green

All advantages at a glance

A CrossZone fitness studio is located in the historic Stadtbahnbogen in Vienna, i.e. in the vaults that support the track of the city railway. All floor areas of the very spacious fitness facility are covered with WARCO fitness mats in a customised colour design.
  • Professional quality cheap directly from the manufacturer.
  • Over 20 years of experience in the development and production of rubber granulate flooring.
  • Functionally optimized fitness floors for different training areas in the studio.
  • Competent advice - reliable service.
  • Wide range of finishes and colors.
  • Flammability class Efl or Cfl-s1.
  • Simple, form-fitting and positionally stable installation without bonding to the substrate.
  • Machine or manual cleaning.

  • Resistant to alcoholic disinfectants.

  • Floor protection & impact sound insulation - Structure-borne noise and impact are absorbed and dampened.

  • Economical - long service life.

The best-selling WARCO floor for gym and Crossfit

Non-Slip Fitness Mat - 2 cm Training Mat Non-Slip Fitness Mat - 2 cm Training Mat

Non-Slip Fitness Mat - 2 cm Training Mat CZ

Travertine Terracotta Savannah Rattan Lounge Light granite Classic granite +18 Farbvarianten

£2.90 / piece £31.18 / m²

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Protective Fitness Mat 1.8 cm Training Mat Protective Fitness Mat 1.8 cm Training Mat

Protective Fitness Mat 1.8 cm Training Mat BZ

Dark granite Classic granite Light granite English lawn Terracotta Bast & Bark +11 Farbvarianten

£5.40 / piece £21.60 / m²

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Protective Fitness Mat - Non-Slip Sports Mat Protective Fitness Mat - Non-Slip Sports Mat

Protective Fitness Mat - Non-Slip Sports Mat TZ

Dark granite Classic granite Light granite English lawn Terracotta Bast & Bark +22 Farbvarianten

£8.00 / piece £32.00 / m²

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Fitness Flooring - Rubber Gym Flooring Fitness Flooring - Rubber Gym Flooring

Fitness Flooring - Rubber Gym Flooring HZ

Dark granite Classic granite Light granite English lawn Terracotta Bast & Bark +23 Farbvarianten

£8.40 / piece £33.60 / m²

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The optimal floor for every training area

A fitness floor from WARCO cushions dropped dumbbells during dumbbell training, protecting the gym floor and preventing the development of noise and impact sound. Equipment vibrations are also safely absorbed and neutralised.

A training area with strength and cardio equipment has different flooring requirements than a gymnastics or free weight area. The same applies to the stretching area or functional training with TRX or the cycling room.

In addition, the conditions of the building in which the gym is located must be taken into account. In a residential and commercial building, the floor must absorb shocks, vibrations and impact sound more than in an industrial hall.

The optimum fitness floor is therefore precisely matched to the specific conditions at the place of use. WARCO therefore offers a variety of floor coverings with different parameters for fitness studios. The relevant parameters are indicated for each floor covering on a scale from 1 to 5.

Vibration damping and structure-borne sound insulation

Protective Fitness Mat - Non-Slip Sports Mat Protective Fitness Mat - Non-Slip Sports Mat

Protective Fitness Mat - Non-Slip Sports Mat

Dark granite Classic granite Light granite English lawn Terracotta Bast & Bark +22 Farbvarianten

£50.20 / piece £50.20 / m²

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The fitness floor protection mats from WARCO dampen equipment vibrations and impact noise that can occur in the gym when training on the incline bench. Here, the incline benches stand on WARCO floor protection mats in a modern, blue colour design.

Weight stations can be very noisy. Jumping and running in place, loud roller training equipment and dumbbell drops: there are many sources of sound in gyms. These noises, i.e. vibrations, are transmitted into the building if the floor slab is not decoupled.

This disturbs not only the fitness athletes, but also the neighbors. Dropping dumbbells and kettlebells can even cause damage to the fabric of the building.

The gym floor from WARCO provides effective acoustic and mechanical decoupling of the floor slab and the training surface. The rubber floor absorbs vibrations - structure-borne sound and noise do not occur in the first place.

When properly constructed, a WARCO rubber floor can even dissipate the kinetic energy of dropping barbells.

Despite its elasticity, the athlete stands firmly and safely on a gym floor from WARCO. Fitness equipment leaves no traces.

Whether hard workout or relaxed yoga - always on a floor from WARCO

The comparative values - The key to the optimal fitness floor

The pressing pressure during the production of a fitness mat determines the physical density of the fitness mat. In addition to the cross-section and thickness of the mat, the physical density plays a decisive role in determining the relevant parameters of the finished fitness mat.

When comparing sheets, the weight is a good reference point to conclude the physical density and thus the relevant parameters. When comparing, of course, the format, thickness and cross-section of the plates must also be taken into account.

Knowledge of these relationships is the prerequisite for an informed selection of suitable fitness floor coverings for a gym.

As an example of the relationship between physical density, format, thickness and weight on the one hand and the relevant properties on the other, you will find the comparative values of various typical fitness floor coverings in the following overview. Use the comparative values given in the product description when selecting your fitness mats.

Beispiel für die Darstellung der Charakteristik und der technischen Daten in Form von grafischen Vergleichswerte für eine WARCO Fitnessmatte Typ GZ mit Puzzle Verzahnung und 8 mm Stärke.
Fitness mat GZ - 8 mm

Weight 1.95 kg Format: 50 x 50 cm Thickness: 8 mm

Fitness floor protection mat BZ - 18 mm
Fitness floor protection mat TZ - 40 mm
Fitness floor protection mat pro TZ - 40 mm

Fitness floors in comparison - surfaces, feel, properties

In addition to the physical density, the material used, the thickness and the cross-section are responsible for the properties of a fitness mat.

Four examples show in comparison the variety of surfaces of WARCO fitness floors.

Die Fitnessmatte GZ von WARCO ist ein besonders hochwertiger Bodenbelag zur Verwendung im Fitnessstudio. Durch die Puzzelverzahnung verbinden sich die Matten beim Verlegen fast ohne sichtbare Fugen miteinander.

Fitness mat GZ

The GZ fitness mat looks as if it has been cast from a single piece, with no visible joints, as the connecting teeth of the mats are formed with high precision and without chamfers at the edges.

The GZ fitness mat is available in thicknesses of 8 and 16 mm and in 5 attractive color designs. It is highly resistant to mechanical stress and abrasion and has a homogeneous surface that is pleasantly natural to the touch.

The GZ fitness mat is highly compressed and versatile, e.g. for cycling and cardio areas, changing rooms and lounges.

Die Fitness-Bodenschutzmatte BZ von WARCO zeichnet sich durch gute Schalldämmung und Schwingungsdämpfung aus. Sie wird im Fitnessstudio verlegt. Durch die Reißverschluss-Verzahnung, auch Puzzelsystem genannt, verbinden sich die Matten beim Verlegen miteinander zu einem zusammenhängenden Plattenteppich.

Fitness floor protection mat BZ

With a thickness of just 18 mm, the BZ fitness floor protection mat offers a good balance between elasticity, impact sound insulation, durability and investment costs.

The BZ fitness floor protection mat is often used in classrooms and gymnastics rooms for yoga, Zumba or high intensity interval training, as well as under vibration-intensive equipment.

The surface of the BZ fitness floor protection mat is open-pored and slip-resistant. It is non-slip and slightly rough to the touch.

Der Fitnessstudio-Bodenbelag von WARCO besteht aus fein vermahlenem Gummigranulat und ist besonders fest erpresst. Daher hat er eine geschlossene, wie Wildleder wirkende Oberfläche und ist besonders Widerstandsfähig gegen mechanische Belastungen und Abrieb.

Gym flooring TZ

TZ gym flooring has a velvety surface. It is manufactured in thicknesses of 30 and 40 mm. The tiles are pressed under high pressure with fine SBR rubber granules. The result is a compact, virtually waterproof and mechanically highly resistant tile.

The TZ gym flooring is recommended for areas that are used intensively and with intensive movement or with dumbbells and kettlebells. TZ gym flooring is also a very good choice for the CrossFit box.

Fitness-Bodenschutzmatte pro (pro steht für professionell) ist der ideale Bodenbelag für anspruchsvolle, intensiv genutzte Trainingsflächen in Fitnessstudios und CrossFit-Boxen. Der Boden im Farbdesign hat die Brandklasse Cfl-S1 und bietet starken Fallschutz und gute Schwingungsdämmung.

Fitness floor protection mat pro TZ

The fitness floor protection mat pro TZ is available in 20 color variants, three thicknesses and two formats. The addition "pro" stands for professional and refers to the increased physical density of the tiles. As a result, the floor offers a particularly balanced ratio of the relevant properties, especially elasticity and durability.

The surface has the pleasant feel of grained leather. In the sports hall, the fitness floor protection mat pro TZ can be used universally in almost all areas.

WARCO fitness flooring - the better training floor

  • Insulation - against sound, impact, shock, vibration
  • Protection - for athletes, training equipment and building
  • Safety - non-slip, slip-resistant, integrated fall protection
  • Comfort - thermal insulation, pleasant barefoot feeling
  • Selection - function, material, design, price
  • Cost-effectiveness - simple installation, long service life

Gym floor with (almost) invisible joint

Non-Slip Fitness Mat - 2 cm Training Mat Non-Slip Fitness Mat - 2 cm Training Mat

Non-Slip Fitness Mat - 2 cm Training Mat CZ

Travertine Terracotta Savannah Rattan Lounge Light granite Classic granite +18 Farbvarianten

£2.90 / piece £31.18 / m²

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Thin fitness floor - high abrasion resistance with low cushioning

Universal floor protection mats with good cushioning

Protective Fitness Mat 1.8 cm Training Mat Protective Fitness Mat 1.8 cm Training Mat

Protective Fitness Mat 1.8 cm Training Mat BZ

Dark granite Classic granite Light granite English lawn Terracotta Bast & Bark +11 Farbvarianten

£5.40 / piece £21.60 / m²

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Protective Fitness Mat - Non-Slip Sports Mat Protective Fitness Mat - Non-Slip Sports Mat

Protective Fitness Mat - Non-Slip Sports Mat TZ

Dark granite Classic granite Light granite English lawn Terracotta Bast & Bark +22 Farbvarianten

£8.00 / piece £32.00 / m²

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Fitness Flooring - Rubber Gym Flooring Fitness Flooring - Rubber Gym Flooring

Fitness Flooring - Rubber Gym Flooring HZ

Dark granite Classic granite Light granite English lawn Terracotta Bast & Bark +23 Farbvarianten

£8.40 / piece £33.60 / m²

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Floor protection mats for movement-intensive training

Protective Floor Mat 1.8 cm Sports Flooring Protective Floor Mat 1.8 cm Sports Flooring

Protective Floor Mat 1.8 cm Sports Flooring BZ

Anthracite Brick red Grass green Slate grey Chocolate brown Dark granite +11 Farbvarianten

£6.50 / piece £26.00 / m²

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Protective Mat Fitness - Thick Sports Flooring Protective Mat Fitness - Thick Sports Flooring

Protective Mat Fitness - Thick Sports Flooring TZ

Dark granite Classic granite Light granite English lawn Terracotta Bast & Bark +11 Farbvarianten

£10.10 / piece £40.40 / m²

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Gym flooring - particularly abrasion-resistant and shock-absorbing

Fitness floor with artificial turf surface

Wall closure, ramps, assembly